growing up: Harlot Part 2

Welcome to installment number 2 of Giant Spud becoming a dog.

This set doesn’t really have a theme, mostly because I didn’t think this whole series thing out beforehand, but for shits and giggles let’s call this one Middle Girth.
6304610279_d539f4396f_b6479017599_09035c84f1_b6609457429_e31886d3d7_b6609457447_2531747774_b6609631807_ccaa8268ed_bThis was around the time that I really started to like her. And I don’t mean the generic kind of fondness, I mean this is when I actually formed the bond with her. It took us a few month, but we got there.
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growing up: Harlot

My fluffy beanbag is three years old now, but it seems like forever ago when I first picked her up and thought “this is the world’s largest puppy”.

Since I regrettably haven’t been shooting anything of her lately, I thought I’d do a three-part mini series of my Harlot favorites. This installment is rather short as I skipped photographing micro-Harlot for a solid month and half — bad human!

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5948657978_2551cbb37d_bHowever, I did NOT miss the gangly stage. Check out those ears! It’s like she got a transplant from a fennec fox (look it up – trust me, it’s well worth your time). This, by the way, was my favorite growth phase she went through, because she just looked plain ridiculous. 6047569599_ac5eb83f64_b 6074545445_0111b14e65_b 6090485925_f60fed2b53_b 6876247062_5c1bdb9f82_b6114940718_48a5a98c86_b There are many things that I miss, such as her blonde ear hair curls, her old granny white patch on her hip, and the floppy tipped ear. But she never grew out of the clumsiness, and that’s what’s really important.