officially in orange country

As anticipated, the Spud gang and I have gone from one humid, mosquito infested place to an even more humid and mosquito infested place, but it’s really not all that bad (I reserve the right to retract that statement come summer time).

DSC_2460HarlotThe neighborhood has only a handful of those snotty miniature humans stumbling around, and so far I’ve been able to time it so that we don’t run into any on our walks. Harlot has been surprisingly well behaved (by Harlot standards); she’s only tried to murder two cars and terrorize one jogger.

DSC_2462HarlotDSC_2463HarlotThe hardest things for her is being restricted to just my bedroom and the kitchen/foyer areas. With an almost fully carpeted house, she has to learn her boundaries. Things will get better once we enclose the rest of the backyard. Then she can run wild and free, because this stallion refuses to be confined for long! Case in point, this morning she flattened herself out in froggy fashion at the door, leaving me with only the option of carrying her over the thresholds. She can be such a turd. I chalk it all up to her being depressed about leaving her cats behind in North Carolina, but mostly I know she’s just being turdish because that’s her god-given talent.

DSC_2609HarlotDSC_2616HarlotDSC_2618HarlotIt has been almost three days since we moved in, and yesterday we discovered the local PetsMart–holy huge, Batman! We left with some poop bags and a new Kong bed for the satanic princess. She’s been dragging it around my room and folding herself in it like a taco to get the poofiness out of it. One corner is already permanently stained with her stinking saliva; she has a fetish for zippers.

DSC_2537HarlotDSC_2546HarlotDSC_2496HarlotDSC_2485HarlotDSC_2626HarlotDSC_2666HarlotAt the moment, I’m still sleeping on an air mattress, crossing my fingers at night that Harlot won’t surprise attack my face and deflate the whole thing. My more permanent IKEA bed is scheduled to arrive next week, and then me and the turd will be slumbering it up college roommate style with bunk beds! It’s going to be sweet!
