dog vision & a growing hippo

DSC_2697Spring Break came late for me this year, but being that I’ve only had to survive one month of campus life so far, I guess it’s not a bad trade off. One of the classes I’m taking is a very basic still photography course, where we’re restricted to shooting monochrome, JPEG, manual, and iPhoto edits. In most scenarios I love the simplicity of these settings and really trying to get everything in-camera; however, Lightroom has been feeling the abandonment quite strongly.

It would be natural to assume that Harlot would take the position as my portfolio muse, but it wasn’t until this week that I actually tested out the monochrome on her. I got some much needed practice with manually focusing action shots.

DSC_2727DSC_2728DSC_2729DSC_2730In other news, Harlot is getting fat. She is a chunk and she continues to sneak into the hairy Spuds’ cage and steal all of their leftovers. And when the cage doors are locked, she manages to squeeze a chubby little paw through the bars and flip the bowls over so that the food bits can be scraped out one by one into her giant, fat, stinking pie cave. It’s ridiculous, but no matter how many times I threaten to change her name to Whale, she claims the extra weight makes lying on my face while I try to sleep more fun.


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